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The Association of Student Pharmacists (ASP) serves as the umbrella organization representing all of the students and student organizations at SSPPS.

Association of Student Pharmacists (ASP)

President                                                           Zac Riggs

President-Elect                                                 Casey Schoonover

Director of Finance                                          Florence Labrador

Director of Funds                                             Karen Phung

Head of Social Affairs                                      Emma Roehm

Chief of Informatics                                         Megan Kucharski

Alumni Network Leader                                  Cassandra Gehring

Pharmacy Outreach Administrators             Mikaela Seow and Valerie Wu


ACTION's goal is to enhance collaboration of pharmacy and medical students and create teams capable of better patient outcomes in future health care settings.


The American Pharmacists Association - Academy of Student Pharmacists/California Pharmacy Association at UCSD's mission is to be the collective voice of student pharmacists, to provide opportunities for professional growth, and to envision and actively promote the future of pharmacy.


The mission of CSHP-UCSD is to make students aware of pharmacy practice in health systems and the potential of this setting for expanding the base of pharmacy practice. We provide information to students about career directions and credentials in health systems pharmacy practice and present members with opportunities to experience pharmacy practice in the health systems setting.


Pharmily                                                          Fion Li

Pillagers                                                           Spirha Awale

ShaRx                                                               Mirai Kii

Skaggs Swag                                                   Chloe Do

Indispensables                                               Fame Wutthakul

Rafiki                                                                Ashley Nguyen

American Pharmacists Association-ASP/CPhA (APhA-ASP/CPhA)

President                                                          Alex Truong

President-Elect                                                Jahfreen Alam

VP of Membership                                          Camille Utleg

Co-VP of Patient Care                                     Shreya Agrawal

Co-VP of Patient Care                                     Spriha Awale

VP of Finance                                                   Allie Spong

VP of Communications                                   Annabel Truong

VP of Special Events                                        Florence Labrador

VP of Policy                                                       Rachel Graham

Operation Heart - Cholesterol Chair            Vivienne Nguyen

Operation Substance Use Disorder Chair   MarcVincent Wico

SDCPhA                                                             Kaitlin Chan   

Board of Delegates Representative            Wilfred Garcia

International Vice President                        Anna Hovak

Operation Heart - Hypertension Chair      Sarah Wenzel 

Operation Diabetes Chair                            Catherine Delcommenne 

Operation Immunization Co-Chair             Ava Rocio 

Operation Immunization Co-Chair             Tammy Lau 

OTC Medicine Safety Chair                          Megan Broad

Operation Reproductive Health                  Linh Truong

Operation Reproductive Health                  Trinity Victoria

California Society of Health-System Pharmacists (CSHP)

President                                                            Anthony Herfi

President-Elect                                                  Izzabella Ramiscal

Treasurer/Secretary/Public Relations            Valerie Wu 

Tobacco Cessation Chair                                 Andrew Yi

Community Affairs Co-Chair                          Angel Cardona

Community Affairs Co-Chair                          Fame Wutthakal

Fundraising Chair                                            Yujin Sung

Educational Services Chair                             Mikaela Seow

Professional Affairs Chair                               Alexia Jaime

Legislative/Current Affairs Chair                   Maya Fernandez-Arias

Poison Prevention Chair                                 Rebecca Truong

Free-Clinic Phun Run Chair                            Mirai Kii

Social Chair                                                       Jennifer Le

P1 Liaison                                                         Aimee Liang


The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) is a national professional association of pharmacists, health care practitioners, and others who develop and provide clinical, educational and business management services.

Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP)

President                                                           Ariel Dong

President-Elect                                                 Teah Williams

VP of External Relations/Treasurer               Dino Le

VP of Internal Relations/Secretary                Anny Lam

Professional Affairs Chair Co-Chair              Kevin Garcia

Professional Affairs Chair Co-Chair              Ashley Nguyen

P&T Chair                                                          Sunny Trieu

VP of Public Relations                                     Oluchi Nwosu

VP of Communications                                   Kiki Zhou

VP of Strategy and Correspondence            Marina Holder       

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The American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, UCSD student chapter, is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of the geriatric community. Our purpose is to optimize medication management and improve health outcomes and quality of life for all older persons through community outreach and professional education events.

American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP)

President                                                          Jennifer Nguyen

President-Elect                                                Trami Ngo

Secretary                                                          Vera Burgos

Treasurer                                                          Vivian Dinh

VP of Professional Education                        Truc Chau

VP of Internal Affairs                                      Anna McQuarrie                

VP of Immunizations                                      Zeinab Asim                               

VP of Self-Care Outreach                               Darya Dodseresht


AAPP (previously known as CPNP) is a non-profit organization that focuses on the psychiatric and neurologic aspect of pharmacy. We are dedicated to educating and raising awareness of various mental health disorders, as well as debunking associated stigmas.

American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists (AAPP)

President                                                          Cassandra Gehring 

President-Elect                                                Danielle Burch 

Secretary/Historian                                        Emma Roehm

Treasurer                                                          Mckayla Peterson

Community Outreach Affiliate                      Louis Escobar

Social Chair                                                      Lindsay Maclachlan                              

P1 Liaison                                                         Abi Buckle

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The IPhO chapter at UCSD (formerly PILL) is the campus organization focused on introducing students to everything a PharmD can do within the pharmaceutical industry. IPhO student members are recognized as the best prepared among all student pharmacists to pursue pharmaceutical industry-focused career opportunities. Members of our org have an excellent working knowledge of common industry pharmacist roles and key pharmaceutical industry driving forces, as well as an understanding of the skills and experiences necessary to become a successful industry pharmacist.

Industry Pharmacists Organization (IPhO)

President                                                         Thant Myint

President-Elect                                               Thomas Lewis

Director of Communications                       Allie Spong

Director of National Engagement               Ryan Barry

Director of Professional Programming      Clayton Tran

Director of Social Media & Marketing        Priya Thandi

Director of Finances & Fundraising            Jonathan Nguyen

P1 Liaison                                                       Mirna Issa 

P1 Liaison                                                       Kallie Rushing


Kappa Psi is the oldest pharmaceutical fraternity in the world. There are 110 collegiate chapters and 81 graduate chapters total. We take pride in our brotherhood and our strong philanthropic efforts. Kappa Psi is not only an organization where you meet your fellow pharmacists, but also a place where you find life-long friendships.


Student National Pharmaceutical Association(SNPhA) is an educational service association of pharmacy students who are concerned about the profession of pharmacy, healthcare issues, and the poor minority representation in these areas. The purpose of SNPhA-UCSD is to plan, organize, coordinate, and execute programs geared toward the improvement of the health, educational, and social environment of minority communities.

Kappa Psi - Delta Phi

Regent                                                             Kaycee Tran                             

Vice Regent                                                     Taylor Maguire

Secretary                                                         Yujin Sung

Treasurer                                                         Angel Cardona

Chaplain                                                          Nickey Huang

Historian/Webmaster                                   Jenny Tran

Sergeant-at-Arms                                          Danny Fung

Social Chair                                                     Rebecca Ho

Rush Chair                                                      Casey Schoonover

Philanthropy Chair                                        Shreya Agrawal

Intercollegiate Affairs                                   MarcVincent Wico

Pledge Educator                                            Ashley Nguyen 

Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA)

President                                                         Nichole Joiner 

Vice President                                                Afiana Shiferaw

Secretary                                                         Princess Turner

Treasurer                                                         Irana Keshvari          

Remember the Ribbon                                 David Olinger

Power to End Stroke                                     Tiffany Nguyen

Bridging the Gap                                            Vivian Dinh

Operation Immunization                              Megan Kucharski

Mental Health                                                 Neke Konig

Fighting Diabetes                                           Jenny Chan   

Chronic Kidney Disease                                Chelsea Boss

P1 Liaison                                                        Victoria Russo

Serotones was founded on the idea that music can help alleviate some of the suffering patients and their loved ones experience during difficult times.  Our organization is designed to be a rewarding, creative outlet for Skaggs students that gives them the opportunity to network not only with each other but with professionals and medical students as well.


President                                                        Jia Chen Gan                                

President Elect                                              Jenny Tran

VP of Communication                                  Gabrielle Mok   

Secretary                                                        Jullana Capituolo

Treasurer                                                       Wilfred Garcia

P1 Liaison                                                      Anthony Chen

​P1 Liason                                                       Diana Quach


The Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International, UCSD chapter is intended to motivate and equip pharmacy students to practice faith in Jesus Christ in their personal and professional lives. Our purpose is also to encourage and develop an active Christian witness and evangelism through prayer, Bible study, outreach and fellowship.

Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International (CPFI)

President                                                           Isaac Chon

President-Elect                                                 Austin Macdonald-Shedd

Outreach Coordinator                                    Deanna Wong

Treasurer                                                           Jullana Capitulo

Fellowship and Missions Lead                       Chelsea Boss

Fellowship and Missions Lead                       Lauren McKnight

P1 Liaison                                                          

Entrepreneurs in Community Pharmacy​

Executive Advisor                                            Caitlin Reyes

President                                                           Rebecca Ho

VP of Internal Relations                                  Matthew Nguyen

VP of External Relations                                 Minju Kim

VP of Logistics                                                  Danica Tran

Finance/Fundraising VP                                  Hongyu Wang

Membership Chair                                          Truc Chau 

P1 Liaison                                                         Esha Badhesha

Entrepreneurs in Community Pharmacy (ECP) at UCSD exists to promote entrepreneurial spirit within the Skaggs student body to prepare them for the ever-changing community pharmacy landscape, whether it be in the corporate retail setting or the independent pharmacy and related business environment.

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